Thursday, June 26, 2008


Hi Everyone,
We are starting a blog, really for us to keep track of our "adoption journey." Some of you are well aware of what we have been up to and many have asked questions. We figured this was a good way for us to keep track and keep family and friends informed. Everyone who knows Erin was not surprised when we told them we were starting the adoption process. Erin always wanted to adopt and for some reason always wanted a child from Africa. Maybe it was from her love of safari animals? So there wasn't really any decision making that had to be made when picking a country to adopt from. Ethiopia it is.
We started our paperwork back in February. Our Home Study has been completed and we are currently working on our Dossier. (The important paperwork.) We will have this all completed by September. Then comes the waiting game. As of now the estimated wait time is 14-18 months. By then JT will be over two and ready for a sibling. Tzeli will be 10 and Zeus will almost be 6. Kevin will be 42 and Erin a young 31 year-old! We will all be ready. We are not going to be crazy "bloggers." We will update this as information arrives and when there is news to share. We already need to thank our friends Jen and Tommy, Mike and Kate, Julie and Brian and Nicole and Mike. They had to fill out a many-paged referral on our behalf. Nicole even met with the social worker and put in a good word for us. Thanks everyone for helping. Thanks for reading.

- Kevin, Erin, JT and the Dogs