Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen

Today we went to the circus. I think I had only been to the circus once and that was well over 20 years ago, make that 30 years for Kevin! We weren't too sure how JT would do. It's dark, loud and you have to sit still for 2 hours and 20 minutes. JT did have his own seat and starting off sitting on Kevin's lap. He loved the music at the beginning and then everything got very loud. JT started crying. He was really scared. He wanted to sit with me, cried for a few minutes and then was mesmerized by the whole thing. Nicole and Gavin joined us while Mike and Jack parked the car. When Mike came in, Jack started crying. Kevin, Mike and Jack left and Kevin had a great idea to help Jack with the loud noise. (see picture below)
The boys did great. They loved the circus and sat still the whole time while on our laps. (except for the 10 seconds that I took a picture)We had a picnic dinner on the lobby floor, while we enjoyed our funnel fries. That would be like funnel cake, but made into fries. Great idea! They are much easier to eat that way. We saw the tigers, the motorcycles in the ball (which I think is so neat and dangerous!) men on stilts and the best part was the elephants. By this point, I couldn't find the camera so I have no pictures to show. We will get those next year. We couldn't believe how well JT did. He usually can't sit still for more than 5 minutes. Now we know it is possible. I guess we just need some elephants and tigers laying around.