Saturday, October 10, 2009

Apple Picking

We continued our annual tradition of going apple picking with the Harrison family. It was a little rainy that day but that did not stop us from picking apples and eating the divine bread. JT and Gavin loved the bread as well. Gavin was very helpful as he would pull the branches down while he told JT to pick the apples. They were a great team. Jack joined along and practiced his walking skills that he has now mastered.
We threw apples at the pigs and luckily I came home with all ten fingers. I wanted to try to pet the pigs but there was a big mean one who wanted to take my hand off. Nicole begged for me to pet him and when I would try the pig would snort and try to attack. I was unsuccessful but maybe next year. Another fun day with the family!

Adoption Update: We are going on Thursday to redo our fingerprints. That's about it. Hopefully in the next few months we will have some exciting news to share.

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