Sunday, January 17, 2010

The "Little News"

After my last post we have a little bit news to share......
1) we should be getting our referral in the next month or two (the BIG NEWS)
2)with the referral comes medical and family history and 2 photos (the photos can not be posted over the Internet until we pass court because he is still in the custody of the Ethiopian government) so those who don't live near us will only get to see some fingers and toes.
3)we take the info to a doctor and we then send an acceptance to the referral. (that should only be a week or two turn around)
4)then comes another waiting game....the court date (they don't tell us when that is!)
5)the average waiting time to pass court is 4-5 months (that now puts us at July/August)
6)they will call us with the news that we passed court and we will then leave in 2-3weeks after that. (that will be a crazy time since you don't get much notice)
7)when you pass court he is officially OURS! (then we can post photos)

So, there is the news. Not the BIG NEWS but at least some little news. We have been waiting for some news for 2 years now. Yes, it has been two years since we have started this journey! Anyone wanting to adopt don't think it will ever happen fast. By the time we get our kid we will have been waiting 2 1/2 years!

Hopefully in the next month or so our BIG NEWS will come!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Erin that's awesome! So maybe by August or September you will be on your way to get your little boy! Can't wait to see pics!